I love to do Primary Sharing Time and Activity Days. This is one of the stories the kids love to hear.
The first
winter the Saints were in the Salt Lake Valley, food was precious and scarce.
The Indians brought John Taylor a sweet meal. The dark paste crunched when he
ate it and tasted like honey.
John asked the
Indians how to make it. He knew his children would enjoy the extra sweet
delicacy. The braves led John to a field where the wheat had been harvested.
Only the dried stocks were left. Crickets
were feeding on the wheat kernels that had fallen to the ground.
The Indians
took dead pine branches, broke off several sticks, and started them on fire. They
lit the wheat stubble into a blaze all around the edges field. As the plants
burned toward the center, hundreds of crickets jumped up out of the fire and
fell back into it, burning to a crisp.
When the fire
died out, the Indians took their baskets and scooped up the dead insects.
“Why are you
gathering dead crickets?” asked John.
“Good food,”
said an Indian.
The Indian women
ground the charred remains into a fine power and mixed it with honey.
By the time I've told this much
of the story and girls are gagging and the boys are shuddering. They love the
grossness of this tale. However, they are willing to think about how hungry
they would have to be to eat this paste.
It’s a great lesson to help all
of us remember the sacrifice the pioneers made to settle in the valleys of the
mountains and make it a beautiful place for us to live.