Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the Church, and home teaching is nothing more or less than missionary work to Church members.
Improvment Era, Dec 1964, 1078
I love the prophets, and the fact that they were real people like you and me. I like to know that they struggled and overcame. They are wonderful guides for me in my life.
Joseph Smith
Prophet, Seer and Revelator
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Joseph Fielding Smith on Missionary Work
We have heard that we are all missionaries. Every member . . . is or ought to be a missionary. . . as members of the Church, having pledged ourselves to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ we become missionaries. This is part of the responsibility of every member of the Church
Take Heed to Yourselves, 27-28
Take Heed to Yourselves, 27-28
Sunday, July 6, 2014
David O. McKay on Missionary Work
Every member . . . a missionary.
CR Apr 1959, 122
True Christianity is love in action. There is no better way to manifest love for God than to show an unselfish love for your fellow men. This is the spirit of missionary work.
Gospel Ideals, 129.
CR Apr 1959, 122
True Christianity is love in action. There is no better way to manifest love for God than to show an unselfish love for your fellow men. This is the spirit of missionary work.
Gospel Ideals, 129.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
George Albert Smith on Missionary Work
That is your mission, my brethren and sisters of the Church, that is your responsibility. Freely you have received and our Heavenly Father will expect you freely to share with His other sons and daughters these glorious truths.
Sharing the Gospel with Others, 213
Sharing the Gospel with Others, 213
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Heber J. Grant on Missionary Work
We as a people have one supreme thing to do, and this is to call upon the world to repent of sin, to come to God. And it is our duty above all others to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the restoration again to the earth of the plan of life and salvation . . . We have in very deed the pearl of great price. We have that which is of more value than all the wealth and the scientific information which the world possesses. We have the plan of life and salvation . . . The best way in the world to show our love for our neighbor is to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ of which he has given us an absolute knowledge concerning its divinity.
CR Apr, 1927, 175-76
CR Apr, 1927, 175-76
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Joseph F. Smith on Missionary Work
We have a mission in the world: each man, each woman, each child who has grown to understanding or to the years of accountability, ought . . . to be qualified to preach the truth, to bear testimony of the truth.
Gospel Doctrine, 251-52
Gospel Doctrine, 251-52
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Lorenzo Snow on Missionary Work
There is no mortal man that is so much interested in the success of an elder when he is preaching the gospel as the Lord that sent him to preach to the people who are the Lord's children.
Teachings of Lorenzo Snow, 70
Teachings of Lorenzo Snow, 70
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Wilford Woodruff on Missionary Work
We have come to this earth upon a mission . . . that we may have power to go forth and warn the nations of the earth . . . As elders of Israel, very few of us fully comprehend our position, our calling, or relationship to God, our responsibility, our work the Lord requires at our hands.
Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 124
Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 124
Sunday, March 23, 2014
John Taylor on Missionary Work
Our duty is to preach the gospel to all men . . . This is what God expects of us.
The Gospel Kingdom, 234-5
The Gospel Kingdom, 234-5
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Brigham Young on Missionary Work
There is neither man or woman in the Church who is not on a mission.
That mission will last as long as they live, and it is to do good, to
promote righteousness, to teach the principles of truth, and to prevail
upon themselves and everybody around them to live those principles that
they may obtain eternal life.
Discourses of BY, 322
Discourses of BY, 322
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Joseph Smith on Missionary Work
After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel.
Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, JS, 327
Let the Saints remember that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the great work of the last days.
TPJS 178-9
Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, JS, 327
Let the Saints remember that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the great work of the last days.
TPJS 178-9
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Heber C. Kimball
When I went into the water [of] baptism
I made [a] covenant I would forsake the world with all [that] pertains
to it, and cleave unto the Lord God with all my heart all my days. This
is the covenant that I made, to turn away from the world. That is the
covenant you made, or the one you should have made. Now, will you
fulfill it?” (Oct. 7, 1853).
Dec. Ensign, 57.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
Book of Mormon Testimony
Parley P. Pratt
I will tell [you]
my brethren, when I was a lad just out of my teens—about 1830—I read a
book that was but little known in the world, although now, probably, it
is in half [a] dozen [of the] principal languages of the earth, and it
was entitled the Book of Mormon,
and had many predictions in it that are plain and easy to be
understood, and the spirit and power of God bore witness to my heart of
their truth. … Well now, these prophecies interested me I assure you.
They made an impression upon my mind [that] never has been effaced. … I
knew in me [in a way] that [would have] been no stronger if I had seen Jesus Christ in his glorified body and heard [the] same words from his own lips” (Oct. 31, 1852).
Dec. Ensign, 57.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Guardian Angels
Here is a great quote by Brigham Young at Mary Fielding Smith's funeral. What a treasure.
Brigham Young
The Lord watches
over you. You need not suppose for a moment [that] the Lord’s eye [is]
not upon you. The angels [are] round about you and they will take care
of you, and you may be peaceful and contented. … Every good man and
woman … [is] in the hands of [the] Lord. They are before him, his eye
upon them, his angels round about them that they might endure
afflictions, suffer pain [and] buffeting by Satan, pass through scenes
of afflictions enough to wring their natural hearts out of them,
comparatively. Yet God [will] take care of them” (Sept. 23, 1852, Mary
Fielding Smith’s funeral).
December Ensign, 57.
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