Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith
Prophet, Seer and Revelator

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don Carlos Young, From Truant to LDS Church Architect

Don Carlos Young, son of Brigham Young, skipped school as a young boy to hang out with the teamsters under his father's employment. When Brigham found out, he took Don Carlos out of school and gave him a pair of blind mules to drive. Don Carlos learned to maneuver the team around Salt Lake City in an admirable fashion, delivering ice and dry goods. Later his was trusted to take a load of wheat to Logan, Utah.

After a while, Don Carlos decided he would like to go back to school. This time he applied himself to his studied, graduated from the University of Deseret (now the University of Utah) and studied architecture in the east.

He came back to Utah to work on several successful projects. Because of his expertise, he was appointed LDS Church Architect by Wilford Wodruff, assigned to finish the Salt Lake Temple.

Brigham Young didn't have the advantage of child guidance books
available to us today, but he was wise in his discipline of Don Carlos, and aided his son in becoming the best he could be. Would that we could all be this wise.

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