Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith
Prophet, Seer and Revelator

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What Brigham Says Goes To The Heart

Brigham Young always said it was cheaper to feed the Native Americans than it was to fight them. Flour was less expensive than gun powder. He tried to return Chief Walkara's aggression (stealing livestock, burning settler's homes, etc.) with kindness.

One time the Chief came to Brigham, asking that he kill a person to walk to the afterlife with a sick Indian baby that was about to die.

Brigham blessed the sick child and it recovered.

Brigham tried to put positive energy into the world with his writings, discourse, and actions.

Peteetneet, brother of Chief Walkara, said about Brigham, “What the other white men say go in one ear and out the other but what Brigham says goes to the heart and stays there.”

I like to ask myself what I have done to contribute light today.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Brigham Young opens the St. George Temple early

Brigham Young knew he was getting old. He was very anxious to get his family's temple work done so he dedicated part of the St. George Temple January 1, 1877. The temple was finished and dedicated in it's entirety April 6 - 8, 1877.

At the January dedication Elder Wilford Woodruff spoke, then Brigham Young Jr. and President Erastus Snow.  Then a hush came over the Saints and everyone looked to Brigham. He struggled to his feet, and as he rose his face shown with light. Leaning on his cane, he made his way carefully to the pulpit. As he began to speak, his voice filled the room.

“When I think upon this subject [temple blessings], I want the tongues of seven thunders
to wake up the people.”

 “Can the fathers be saved without us? No. Can we be saved without them? No.” “Are you satisfied now that the temple is finished?” 

Brigham went on. “I am not half satisfied until I have whipped . . . the devils from this earth.” Brigham raise his cane and smash it down on the podium. Crack! When Brigham put his cane back on the floor, there were two dents in the pulpit from the knots in Brigham’s cane. Brigham's powerful testimony came through whenever he spoke about the Lord's work. 

After the dedication, he and his family performed much of the temple work for his ancestors, including his parents.

Read more in Texting Through Time, A Trek With Brigham Young

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

John Taylor, Defender of the Faith

John Taylor began his life in Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, England on November 1, 1808 as a child of British aristocracy—the second of ten children. In his youth, he roamed the hills where legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were born.

As a youth, John organized a prayer group with others in the furniture-making business where he apprenticed. Each day at lunch time he would lead his companions into the hills to pray. His friends came for a little while and then quit. John continued to draw close to God, becoming a Methodist preacher at age 17.